Fundamentals of Photography

In this course, you’ll learn the essential skills and knowledge necessary to create beautiful and compelling photographs. We will explore the technical aspects of photography to create well-exposed images and learn how to manipulate them to achieve specific effects. You’ll also be introduced to basics of composition including the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Each week you will gain hands-on experience using your camera, and you will be challenged to further develop your skills through a variety of assignments and projects.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a strong understanding of how your camera works, what all of your menus & buttons do, and which settings to use to capture great images!

  • Understand the exposure triangle including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
  • Explore various light metering techniques and settings for correct exposures
  • Learn how to photograph moving objects, people and places
  • Utilize the best camera settings to create the image you want

5-Session Course/12 Hours



Shannon Belletti

Georgia School of Photography
3707 2nd Avenue Suite 104
Columbus GA 31904


Equipment Needed
A digital or film camera with interchangeable lenses and full manual controls (SLR or Mirrorless)

Recommended for Ages 18+


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